About Me

Growing up a lot of people would ask what I wanted to be when I grew up. I had the normal answers, a doctor, an astronaut, or a ballerina but no matter what I made it very clear I wanted to be a mother. At 7 years old I decided I could never have a punch buggy even though I loved them because it would just be too hard to put a car seat in a 2 door car. I grew up with a younger sister and had two step sisters and lots of foster brothers and sisters come into my life later on. My mom spent a lot of my life as a youth pastor as well so between all that my house was always full of kids. I absolutely loved it. I wanted to be able to have that same feel with my own family one day.

Halfway into my second semester of college, I became pregnant with my first child, Michael. He is absolutely amazing. He loves sports and being outside and is 100% a mama's boy. He loves mama snuggles and isn't afraid to show it. My relationship with his father did not work out but we are both better for it. Almost 2 years later I found out I was pregnant with my second, Gracelynn. She is very laid back and such a happy baby. She is completely opposite of her brother but equally as amazing. My husband is Aaron. We met my freshman year of high school, his sophomore. We dated for six months but always stayed friends. He always said he was going to marry me one day and of course I told him he was crazy but thankfully he was right. He really is my other half. Our marriage is not perfect but he really is my best friend. He is an amazing dad and partner in life. I can't imagine a day without his loving support.

I am on a gluten free diet and so are my kids. My husband is most of the time just because everyone else is but he definitely still loves his pop tarts and Eggo waffles. I'm still working on getting him on the clean eating bandwagon.

I stay at home with my kids and am committed to giving them the best life possible. I do a lot of freelance work on the side to provide the extras in our life. After writing for countless others I decided I should start to write for myself and that is how this blog got started.

I plan for this blog to be not only telling the story that is my life but also sharing tips on budgeting, homemaking, side hustling, eating gluten free, and raising kids.
